Our commitment is to help individuals transform their perspective of the world from material to spiritual, and to support the cultivation of the dignity of each soul.
Harmony House Meditation Center is a net work of local and international facilitators, many of whom have been meditating for several decades and greatly experienced in delivering various course, classes, seminars and retreats that are on offer. These facilitators are all working men and women, who give their time freely, not because they are free, but because they believe in the concept of giving something back to the community.
We offer meditation classes, workshops and seminars on topics of self-development and self-awareness. They are aimed at having a closer look at ourselves, because when we change the world around us changes.
We also conduct regular yearly retreats. Register and we will send you information as and when it happens.
Harmony House offer these services in English, Arabic and Hindi. Register to get more information.
What is Raja Yoga...
We offer Raja Yoga courses. Raja Yoga is an open-eye meditation technique that can be used by anyone, any where, any time. Whether you want to learn how to relax, need to be more concentrated and creative or are searching for personal enlightenment, this course can satisfy each of those needs.
Like any skill, meditation requires practice. By doing a little every day, it soon becomes a natural and easy habit.
Meditation helps you to:
- Explore our inner world of thoughts and feelings, strengths and qualities
- Harness those thoughts and emotions to create the most appropriate responses
- Become a better you: Liberated, happy, cool and calm
Each session includes:
- Know-how of meditation
- Simple exercises, tips and techniques to enhance the skill of meditation
- Guided meditation commentaries
Click here for guided meditation commentaries.
Keep a look out for new course dates and meditation nights on our home page and subscribe to our weekly Whatsapp messages.
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Contact us
Harmony House, Kuwait
Email: kwtharmonyhouse@gmail.com
Phone: +965 6775 5699